Jazz 4 Nothin' Schedule!

Join us for a Fundraiser at the Forlano's Restaurant from 5pm to 9pm on Tuesday, June 24th!!!!


Check out our Facebook Page!! Jazz 4 Nothin' Fan Page
Check out our new group: Choir 4 Nothin' at choir4nothin.blogspot.com

Sunday, April 22, 2012

When you hear nothin' for a while, there's a whole lot of somethin' going' on...

Hey eve...ry...one... hold on - let me take a breath! Okay, I'm back! WHEW! Big news! The summer is almost upon us and that means lots of sunny (weather-permitting) performances are closing in fast. And hold on to your horses because there are four, yes that's FOUR performances that will be occurring within one two-week stretch in early June. So that gives you a lot of opportunities for listening to some of the music you love the most. Did I forget to mention that not included in those four practices is an upcoming performance on May 6th at the Duck Deli Jazz Festival? Silly me! What is the Duck Deli Jazz Festival, you ask? Well, it's free to attend (that means you can bring everyone you know), purchase a nice lunch (with some of the best barbecue in town), sit back and for the whole weekend listen to great music. Now, Jazz 4 Nothin' is on Sunday around lunchtime, so what doesn't sound better than jazz, barbecue, and sunshine??? Oh, and it's for a good cause. Did I mention the part about the Red Cross? We hope to see everyone out at this festival which has become an annual event! And this will be Jazz 4 Nothin's third performance in a row there.