Jazz 4 Nothin' Schedule!

Join us for a Fundraiser at the Forlano's Restaurant from 5pm to 9pm on Tuesday, June 24th!!!!


Check out our Facebook Page!! Jazz 4 Nothin' Fan Page
Check out our new group: Choir 4 Nothin' at choir4nothin.blogspot.com

Monday, October 4, 2010

Rehearsal Tonight, and Long Time No Update

Hey everybody! Sorry that it has been such a long while since the blog has been updated. Well, there is rehearsal tonight, and we will be working on:

The Blue Book
Sing, Sing, Sing, Sing, Sing, Sing (if you get my drift)
Theme from Sesame Street
Nostalgia in Times Square
Rhythm of Our World

Really concentrate on the older numbers on the Blue Book and pay careful attention to articulations and dyanmics. They're very important in these pieces (as they are in all music), but it's apparent when they're not being followed. Let's give these older charts the respect they deserve. See you tonight!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Performance Info: 12 September 2010

Hello everyone! This is just a quick reminder about the performance at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Call time is 10:15 AM (keep it quiet, as a service is still going on) and show time is 11:00 AM. Be ready for a long haul - we're playing a lot of pieces, and though the chop-busters are spaced out, chops are going to get beat up pretty nicely.

See you all in the morning, please bring stands if you know at practice you've gone without them before, and keep your focus on the quality of the music. Be ready for the crazy acoustics ;)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Practice Recaps, Updates, OH MY!!!

Okay, so this blog hasn't been updated in a while. But it's time to focus on the fall, and so that's what is being communicated here.

The focus of our practices have obviously shifted to two major, advanced pieces. As usual, "The First Circle" and more recently, "Rhythm Of Our World."

"Theme from Sesame Street" will sound great on the 12th as will "Incredibles," etc., and we can't forget about "Nostalgia in Times Square" which has taken a seat on a back-burner, but will be coming back. Be ready to work these charts.

The group will be playing for the church at 11 AM on Sunday the 12th, so mark your calendars, and call time is 10:15 downstairs in the choir room for quiet tuning and warming up.

See you all at Monday night's practice, where we will continue with "The First Circle" and "Rhythm Of Our World" and let's see where everyone stands with practicing on the evening of Labor Day as it is the last practice before a gig.

Back on track...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Practice Monday!

Hello everybody! I hope everyone's looking forward to practice on Monday - I know I will be. We will be continuing more work revisiting Begin the Beguine, and expect to hit some of the First Circle again with full rhythm section.

We will also be working on the new charts. Sing, Sing, Sing sounded great at the last practice, so that one is almost ready to go.

On a side note, for those who are not on facebook, there was a message posted just relaying the info that Sierra Music Publications (www.sierramusic.com) has just revealed the second batch of new publications for 2010 of awesome, blow-your-face-off, advanced charts. Check them out. I'm particularly liking "Frame for the Blues" by Slide Hampton. And if you didn't hear the first batch and you have some free time to listen to some awesome, revitalized music, you should do so.

See everyone on Monday, and enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend (thus far).

Monday, July 19, 2010

Practice Tomorrow!

Hello all. This is just a reminder that there's practice tomorrow, and we will be continuing work on Rhythm Of Our World, as well as Theme from Sesame Street and something else that's quite nostalgic...

A short message for this week, but thanks to all who played on Thursday - the audience really appreciated us stepping up and stepping in to fill what would have been a void during the intermission at the summer concert series. See you all tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Practice Recap: 12 July 2010

Hey everybody! Great job at practice last night. We continued with some great work on Nostalgia in Times Square, Sing Sing Sing, and Rhythm Of Our World. The latter is the toughest piece we have that we're working on at the moment, with the exception being that we will be diving back into The First Circle and cleaning that one up until it's absolutely solid - another big task.

So, while you're practicing this week, make sure you focus on Rhythm. We will probably go back to Theme from Sesame Street next week two, so it's definitely something to look through at some point.

Again, there is no performance on Thursday, so unless you're playing elsewhere (which it is known that some of you are) or are playing the Summer Band Concert Series in Doylestown, have a happy time focusing on a few charts. And remember, as to active rehearsing, In the Stone, Samba Ti Kaye and Ride the Wind are now on the retired list - we may bring them out again if we have long performances and need more pieces that we know, but they're not the ones to concentrate on right now.

Who knows if The First Circle and Malaguena will ever be retired. It doesn't seem like that... they're just.... beyond it...

Have a good week, and see you at the next practice! :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Practice Recap, No Performance on Saturday, Practice Monday...

Okay, so three quick messages to update on the blog. The first is a thanks to everyone at practice on Monday - I know it was the very end of a holiday weekend that spilled over into Monday with some people having a day of rest and others with workplaces still open - at any rate, we got a lot of positive work done. As of Friday night, practice had still been up in the air, which is why messages were sent out as to availability for Monday. Since a majority of the band could rehearse, we did. If you couldn't be there Monday, that's fine, and I hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend.

Also, there will be no performance on Saturday as we are still light on players and personally my work schedule does not allow for it, with a third of my work's staff out on vacation, etc. Thank you all for you willingness to come out and do it to those that could, but we will just have to plan ahead for the next performance.

We will have practice on Monday when we will continue work on the Sandoval, Nostalgia and Sesame Street. We laid some of the foundations for work on these pieces on Monday, and we will continue to do so as we start to "shelve" some of the pieces we've been playing for a while, like Ride the Wind and Samba Ti Kaye.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Practice Tonight!

So, we will in fact have practice tonight, and make sure you have Rhythm of Our World in your folders. It was passed out quite some time ago and is on the second CD that was distributed if you want to listen to it ahead of time. We will also be cleaning up some of the other pieces.

A recap of Friday night's performance will be posted later, but it went really well and the audience really seemed to enjoy the music - this was also confirmed by the First Friday music organizer in town.

Anyway, see you tonight! :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Performance Details: First Friday: 2 July 2010

Alright everyone, here's the informational post with event details for First Friday in Doylestown. Please make sure you read this post carefully, and if anyone has any questions, you know how to reach the band leaders.

1. As stated at rehearsals, First Fridays, especially in the summer, are extremely busy. Not only is there live music in (now) up to three different venues, but businesses do special deals/promotions, etc. in anticipation of the public turnout, and small business (some home-run) put up tables in the central square to sell small arts and crafts. Due to the popularity of the event, it is known that in past years the idea has circulated about blocking off the streets. That being said, the streets were not blocked off in June, and don't expect them to be blocked off on Friday the 2nd.

This information means that if you are driving into Doylestown right before call time at 7:30 (and yes, call time remains 7:30), do not expect to find parking in the immediate vicinity of the performance area; if you do, you're just "lucking out." Furthermore, if you arrive in town at 7, when the events are underway, expect many pedestrians at all crosswalks and many more crossing the street wherever they may feel the need. This will also block up traffic, but for precaution's sake, take extra care driving around the center of town.

If you are parking a few blocks away (I'd recommend Harvey Ave., Oakland Ave., or if you're running late, the parking garage by the Court House. It's more of a hike, but it's a guaranteed spot.) There is a parking lot behind Starbucks - it's closed off when the events start. There is parking lot behind the Doylestown Bookshop/Madame Butterfly's - it's now a performance area and also closed off. Also, when walking around town, please be aware of when you are crossing the streets, as aggravated driver's trying to get through town in the maze of First Friday activities, may be extra aggressive. I know this, as I was almost run down last month at First Friday when crossing on the correct signal and in the crosswalk. Again, exercise caution. It's a lot of people in a smaller area.

2. When you arrive, you may store any personal belongings and instrument cases in Class Harlan Real Estate, directly adjacent to the performance area. Class Harlan is graciously allowing us to do this due to connections with the band (Lewis Graham, the trombone player, works there). This is a special advantage we have over all the other performing groups. Class Harlan will be closed, and during the performance, all cases and belonging will be locked up and secure in that building. As soon as they allow, which I believe will be around 6:30 or 7 PM, we will be able to store the instruments and/or warm up and tune.

3. The music organizer for First Friday, Thomas Phillips, has informed us that there is a pa system in place as well as two microphones. Additionally, should there be light rain, there will be a tent set up over the performance area. However, it is not currently expected to rain on Friday, and the forecast is calling for temperatures around 80 degrees.

4. Make sure you stay hydrated. All will be done to provide water bottles during the performance, but make sure you are comfortable before arriving. Dress is the same as usual, but with even more emphasis on comfort. Look at the temperature forecast on Friday and use your best judgment. And if you absolutely don't want to wear black, khakis will be fine.

5. Town will be well lighted - it doesn't get dark until pretty and there's a lot of ambience from the street lights and nearby buildings. However, it can't hurt to have a battery-operated book light on your stand if you want to precaution against getting a shadow on your stand, or what not. These can be easily found at bookstores for cheap, so do what you will.

6. The church is graciously allowing us to use their stands for the performance, so we have twelve there, but if you know that you have had to use your own stand at practices, bring it along. I will have three collapsible stands just in case at the performance. Again, if it's not a pain to bring it, the best advice is just to bring the stand anyway.

7. The rough performance order for pieces (and I know this is what everyone's been waiting for) is the following:

In the Stone
The Incredibles
Ride the Wind
Begin the Beguine
But Beautiful
Samba Ti Kaye
Intersecting Lines
Georgia On My Mind

Georgia On My Mind will be handed out prior to the performance, and I believe we can handle this piece even though we have only played through it about two to three times. But Beautiful is another pretty filler chart that works as a rest point from Begin the Beguine. In the event we need to repeat anything, it will likely be In the Stone. However, I believe these nine charts listed in the order above will easily fill an hour's worth of playing, taking into account the small periods of time between pieces and ones with extended solo sections. Remember that there will now be three solos in Ride the Wind, and two in Intersecting Lines, not to mention the drum solo in that one.

I look foward to seeing everyone on Friday, again, feel free to contact band leaders for additional information you may want, and I believe that this will be a fantastic performance which the audience will love.

Note: The rhythm section has special instructions for setup as equipment is much larger, etc. All who can get into town early to help set up are appreciated. And if there's any downtime, there's always Starbucks ;)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Practice Tonight!

Okay, you all know this familiar message. (Wow, redundant opening sentence!) There's practice tonight, it's the practice before a performance, so be ready to work on anything and everything tonight. But especially the Hooper charts.

And The Incredibles.

And Begin the Beguine.


See you all at practice! :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Don't Mess With Mingus...

So, as all can no doubt figure out, the polls are closed and the votes are final. In an extremely close race, "Nostalgia in Times Square" by Charles Mingus has won versus "Theme from Sesame Street" as written for Maynard Ferguson. We will be ordering this chart in the coming weeks, so expect to start working on it in a few weeks, as we also start to tackle "Rhythm of Our World" by Sandoval (you should already have that music).

See you all next Monday at practice!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Instructions for Voting: Round Two

Okay, it's that time again. Time to VOTE! The three selections for charts are "Nostalgia in Times Square" by Charles Mingus, "Channel One Suite" by Buddy Rich, and "Sesame Street" as performed by Maynard Ferguson. If you are looking for sample recordings of these pieces, there are links on a post below (scroll down on the blog) and check them out.

The polls are posted on the right sidebar beneath "About the Band." Each person is allowed to vote for charts ONCE. (Got that, Andrew? - no shenanigans from the trombones for the Mingus...) The polls will close at 8:00 AM on Tuesday morning, June 22nd, so you have a week to submit your vote.

The chart(s) selected will be purchased using the Change 4 Charts jar. And I say chart(s), as if it is a close race, there is the possibility of the runner-up being ordered as well. But this is just a possibility.

Looking ahead, there is still a lot to do before holiday music in the winter. The fall will consist of the some of the pieces we have already done, but polished, and some we have not done that we have - Work Song and Rhythm of Our World. If that impacts the way you vote, that is up to you. Otherwise, just pick the piece you like the most, and if you don't get the one you like, you can know that the process has been a democratic one. And don't despair, as Winston Churchill so perfectly stated, "democarcy is the worst form of government in world. Except for all the others that came before it."

But to be honest, these are ALL great charts. You know you're selecting from some of the top of the line. And we already play Malaguena...

Happy voting! :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rehearsal Tonight!

Hey everybody! This is just a short reminder that there is practice tonight, and that you should have all of your music as usual to prepare for July 2nd.

Let's keep the focus up, follow the constructive criticism throughout practice, and if we can concentrate hard on attention to detail throughout the next few weeks, the music is going to sound really great on the 2nd.

See you all tonight. :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Change 4 Charts: The Pieces...

Okay, it's that time again. Time to vote on another chart. Through multiple discussions at practice and online, it has been determined that a vote should be had deciding between three charts. And they are...

"Nostalgia in Times Square" by Charles Mingus

"Channel One Suite" by Buddy Rich

"Theme From Sesame Street" as performed by Maynard Ferguson, arr. Dennis DiBlasio, adapted by Bob Lowden

The links below the pieces lead to samples so that you may listen to the charts prior to voting. Sesame Steet has many online recordings, though most may already know this piece. The actual voting will occur soon.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Practice Tomorrow

Hello everybody! Just a reminder that there's practice tomorrow and we will be working on the pieces that we will be playing on July 2nd, so just make sure you have all of your music with you.

Not much else to say at this point, except that a vote is coming shortly for ordering a new chart, while in the meantime we continue to work hard on the ones that we have. So see you all at practice tomorrow, and hoping that you had a fun week off.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day

Hey everybody! Just a reminder that there's no practice on Memorial Day, so work on individual parts at home over the next week, and we will resume practice on Monday, June 7th.

Also, the performance for First Friday in July (Friday, July 2nd) is confirmed, so mark your calendars that we will be playing outside in Doylestown right in front of Starbucks from 8-9 PM. We will be going through a lot of our charts and performing some of the ones we have been working on over the last few weeks (Begin the Beguine, etc....).

Have a great holiday, stay safe and healthy, and see you all on June 7th.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Practice Recap: 24 May 2010

Hey guys - good job at practice last night. I know it's been a long weekend for some and an even longer weekend for others, especially those who play and practice with other jazz groups. However, I really think we got some positive work done last night, regardless of the long weekend prior to rehearsal.

It's unnecessary to chat much about what needs to get done; I think we all know what needs to be worked on in the individual parts. There's a lot of technical stuff for Sing, Sing, Sing and focus on articulations, dynamics, etc., for Begin the Beguine and Intersecting Lines. Plus now we have our heads around The Incredibles and we should all know how to practice accordingly.

Memorial Day is next Monday, May 31st, and as such (and especially after a poll at practice) it has been decided that there will be no practice next week. So enjoy the holiday, get some work done on your parts on your own, and we will resume practices on Monday, June 7th. That being said, do not hesitate to bring up any questions or concerns about the music over the next two weeks.

It was also mentioned at practice that there is some interest in three specific pieces, and they are:

1. Channel One Suite by Buddy Rich Band
2. Prodigal Son Revisited by Wayne Horvitz
3. Nostalgia in Times Square by Charles Mingus.

I foresee a vote in the future for one of these charts (though this is not an exclusive list), and will be posting links to sample recordings soon. Please take the time to listen to the pieces over the next couple of weeks and decide which one you like most (though they are all awesome). The change jar is almost there for a new chart...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rehearsal Tonight and Performance Recap

Great job last evening at Southampton! The small audience was extremely appreciative of the music, and there is no doubt in my mind that those who left after William Tennent played are hearing from friends that they really should have stuck around one more half hour... Anyway, I've only heard compliments about the performance, and we played some great (emphasis on great in the sense of masterpiece) charts, and there's really nothing better than that. As Pete said in a facebook post a few hours ago, this music is a total joy.

At any rate, there is practice tonight and we will be putting together all the work we've done on Begin the Beguine and Intersecting Lines, as well as diving into The Incredibles and Sing, Sing, Sing (both parts).

See you all at practice tonight, and if I was amazed at the performance yesterday, I am psyched for rehearsal wen we get to lock in all that hard work we've been doing the last couple of weeks on the new charts.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Southampton Jazz Festival

The Southampton Jazz Festival is scheduled for this Sunday, May 23rd and the details are as follows:

The call time for band members (excluding the french horns) is 4:15 PM. This gives us ample time to check the set-up, warm-up at the school and be ready to get on stage after William Tenant High School's band. The call time for french horns is 4:45 PM. The address for the festival location is on the information sidebar of the blog if you need it for GPS etc., though some have already played at this location before. Furthermore, should it rain, the festival will be held inside the Klinger Middle School Auditorium, and the same schedule will be used for that day.

Dress is the same as the Duck Deli; solid colors and black. Though I expect that we will be able to make use of Klinger's music stands and that they will already be on stage for the other bands, please bring your own music stand and have it in the car just in case. The rhythm section will worry about rhythm section setup. I know that there will be two microphones for soloists on stage, and a wireless microphone for announcements and vocal solos for the festival.

The festival begins at 3 o'clock, and this is the schedule:

3 PM - Southampton Community Big Band
3:30 PM - Klinger Middle School Jazz Band
4 PM - Log College Middle School Jazz Band
4:30 PM - William Tennent High School Jazz Band
5 PM - Jazz 4 Nothin'

Please have all the charts that we played at the Duck Deli ready to perform in the same order for this festival. There should be some seating at the festival, but if you have family, friends or other guests attending, it might be wise to have a few blankets or fold-up chairs in the car. However, based on another performance I've seen there, there will probably be bleachers set up on which the audience can sit.

This should be a good performance for us and allows us to branch out from the Doylestown area. And remember, with a lot of middle school and high school music students in the audience, it's important to remind them in any way we can that jazz music is awesome, the big band is back, and it's here to stay.

See you all at Southampton! :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Practice Tonight!

Hey everybody! This is the last practice before the Southampton Jazz performance on Sunday evening, so please make sure that you have the older charts and the newer ones in your folder. It would be nice to fix a couple of things in some pieces ("In the Stone", etc.) and review some others before we go back to work on the "Begin the Beguine." Also, I hope some of you have looked at "Sing, Sing, Sing" - we may be looking at some of that piece tonight.

Last week's practice was very good, and we just need the continual focus in order to work a lot of the key unison passages / coordinated phrases in these (mostly) medium-advanced - advanced charts. Having recently spoken with a number of people who have heard us play, they have specifically cited how they were impressed with the work ethic they could see in our faces while we were playing the music. One lady even came up and said something along the lines of, "Every face was absolutely concerned with the music. None were distracted and not doing the work. It was evident that all had worked hard and you can see it and you can hear it." (This was a review from the Duck Deli performance). Others have begun to compare us with other groups, saying that you can hear the difference between a group that really practices and one that just plays the music - they've greatly appreciated this. So thank you all for your hard work at practice in the past and in the future, and for all the work you do with the music outside of practice. This band can really make a difference.

On a side note, a few people in the band have let me know, positively, about their availability for July the 2nd. We will need to know by the end of the week if we have enough of a band around that day so that we can contact the organizers of First Friday and let them know if we can play for them or not. If you have time before practice tonight, please check your schedules for the holiday weekend.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sing, Sang, Shipped!

So, here's an update: new charts are on their way! The books which contain the full "Sing, Sing, Sing" have been ordered, as well as "Georgia on My Mind," and... well, let's leave that last one as a mystery for practice on Monday night. A few people know what it is, though, and they're excited. Because it's fun.

Change 4 Charts is responsible for the purchase of the books containing "Sing, Sing, Sing" and a lot of other filler charts that will no doubt be useful at some point in the future. "Sing, Sing, Sing" had the highest number of votes from all members on the blog for which charts we wanted to do, and it felt appropriate that the change jar went towards that chart.

At any rate, there's practice on Monday, so keep working on "Begin the Beguine" and "Intersecting Lines." I am floored that we got both numbers off the ground so quickly on Monday, and yes, they were rough and we're going to have to put a lot of time in on them - but it was awesome nonetheless. I know that some were shocked that we made it through those pieces on the first night - a pleasant surprise, but a shocking one.

Have a good weekend all, and get ready for the next practice. We all know on an individual basis what has to get done now for the music.

Monday, May 3, 2010

New Charts! (a.k.a. "Practice Tonight!")

Hey everyone! Great job on Saturday - I think we really wowed the crowd even if they didn't get out of their seats - but with the weather I think perhaps they may have become plastered to them, so that's not on us.

At any rate, we made it through "The First Circle," which is something in itself, and "Malaguena" sounded good (we'll just take it faster next time, I promise!). (Pete, did you get that? It's the George Lucas instruction: faster and more intense = awesome. I added that last bit. About the awesomeness.)

Now, even with Sunday, May 23rd as the next upcoming performance, though, we are switching gears and looking to some of the new charts. Be ready to start work on "Begin the Beguine," "Intersecting Lines," and "But Beautiful," and be assured: "Sing, Sing, Sing" is on the way.

But yeah, great job on Saturday and let's have fun tonight as we look to some new stuff. After all the hard work and some recent tedious practices with Metheny, I look forward to these practices where we start some new charts.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Duck Deli Performance Tomorrow!

Hello everyone. Just some words on what's going on tomorrow:

Call time for all band members who do not play in the Doylestown Heat and/or are not French Horns is 3 PM in back of the parking lot across from the Duck Deli (where many will be parking for the event). That parking lot belongs to an old framing factory, and you should see other cars parked there. We will be quietly warming up, tuning and focusing on "First Circle" (getting our heads in the zone). French horns have a call time of 3:30 and that's the time that we'll make our way across the street (202) to examine the set up, as the Heat will be done at 3:45.

Help the Heat as much as you can in clearing the performance area. I'm not saying that Bill Kuder has a tendency to talk a lot between pieces and go overtime and it may cut into our set up time... but that kind of is what I am saying and let's "help" them get off the performance area as quickly as possible. Chris has informed me that the Duck Deli has about 30 music stands, so we don't need to bring our own (but I'm leaving one in the car anyway), and the rhythm section is taking care of their own equipment, so decisions regarding that is up to Pete and Bill R.

Make sure your system for dealing with page turns and playing outside is in place. The best thing is probably a binder with glare-free sheet protectors, but I know some will want to use plexi-glass or clothespins.

If you're going to eat at the Duck Deli, know that food per person costs no more than $10 (I think it's usually around $6), and that Jazz West plays after us, so you have time to sit back and relax and enjoy the BBQ if you wish afterwards, or you can arrive early (the event starts Saturday at 11 AM) and listen to music to your heart's delight.

Dress is the same as it was at the church - solid colors and black, but be aware that since we're outside and taking into consideration the temperature forecast, just make sure you're comfortable as well. Full suit jackets, etc., are not necessary for this gig if you wore them last time (though you looked snazzy). :) You might want to wear sunscreen, but we should be under a tent while we play. Furthermore if you have guests coming, with the number of people invited, I would recommend having them bring beach chairs or blankets to sit on the grass.

Band members can contact me directly with any individual concerns, but that should be about it. The address of the Duck Deli is

524 East Butler Ave.
New Britain, PA 18901

if you need it. Weather is supposed to be awesome tomorrow, and I'm sure we'll have a great time playing our charts. And finally, the lineup of pieces is, again:

"In the Stone"
"The First Circle"
"Samba Ti Kaye"
"Ride the Wind"

Let's have a great time!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A New Piece of Literature!

Wait, did you think this was going to be about a new chart? Hehe, no, actually, I stumbled across the fact that on May 15th of this year there will be a new BOOK published on Stan Kenton titled "Stan Kenton: This Is An Orchestra!" by Michael Sparke. You should be able to find it at www.amazon.com (and perhaps elsewhere) if you search for that title. Anyway, it's a hardcover and the price tag is (considerably) pretty low, so if anyone's interested... that's nifty. :)

Interesting this isn't being published next year on Kenton's Centennial. Curious.

Practice Next Week: 26 April 2010

Hey guys! Great job at practice on Monday. I know the room felt a bit hot and there was a lot of yawning (all in all everyone had some sort of a tired day) but we got a lot of good work done. And the run-throughs we did of "The First Circle" were impressive - we're making great strides with that piece. Some of it is probably the fact that once the pulse/rhythm locks in - and by this, I don't mean the rhythm section but rather the band with the section - the piece becomes more comfortable (comfortable is probably not the operative word) and the other parts about it can catch up, like intonation and dynamics and articulations. Ideally, we've been doing this all along, but when there's an all-consuming feel issue...

Anyway, I want to stress the importance of not going on autopilot in this piece. I don't think people are, but it could happen, and I think everyone on autopilot in that piece is more dangerous in the sense of "we're going to crash" than just worrying about "not crashing." "The First Circle" to me is a double-edged sword. Just when you think you've got it, the music introduces a whole new level of demand for focus and perfect concentration. It really is a masterpiece.

At any rate, next week we will be working more on "The First Circle" and the horns will be during the last 30-40 mins. or so to work "Malaguena" which we haven't done in the past few weeks. And then on May 3rd, we start heavily working the new stuff, like "Begin the Beguine."

So take care and have a good rest of the week, and see you all on the 26th! :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Great Job on Hard Work

Hey everybody! Good job working "The First Circle" last night. I know the work was tedious and required a lot of patience on everybody's part while small parts across all sections were worked as well as transitions in and out of the chunks of the piece (like out of the sax soli into meas. 72, in and out of the solo, in and out of the repeated section (beginning of meas. 72), the end, the beginning, etc.

But the great news is we've now comfortably put the piece together and I get the sense that a lot of that chart is moving into muscle memory. That's good - it's not an excuse not to focus - but that's a good thing, I believe. We even removed the guidance of the bass drum on the downbeat at the beginning and we were okay.

Get ready to work some small parts on that chart next week and to really run through it a number of times on Monday, April 26th (the fourth Monday of April). That night we will be bringing the horns in around 8:30 to do a final rehearsal with them to clean any parts of Malaguena. Also, next week, we will be doing cleaning on a few things in "In the Stone" and "Ride the Wind," but I feel that these pieces are mostly comfortable to us now.

Once we are beyond the Duck Deli, we will start looking at the new charts at practices and as we get comfortable with them, we will start phasing out some of the older ones and replacing them with the new ones. Hopefully by mid-June we should have some new ones at a performance level.

As stated at rehearsal last night (if for whatever reason you were not there), the Duck Deli gig has been pushed back (time-wise) to 4 PM. Chris, the owner, called me yesterday and finalized that time. That means that the Doylestown Heat is no doubt on at 3:30 PM, and we are being followed by the final act, which is Jazz West, under the direction of Ed Protzman. This has to be one of his final performances around town as he's moving to Kansas City soon; this is his last year as band director of C. B. West.

And yes, May 23rd is a Sunday, not a Saturday. Gil Guglielmi, who runs the hosting band (Southampton), has told me that the event is from 3-6 PM, and that we will be in the latter half, so plan on playing any time between 4 and 6 PM that day. That gig is also outside.

I will send more information about directions and parking for the Duck Deli as soon as I have it, so check the perfomance info side-bar on the blog for that info.

Stay safe and see you all next week. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Great Job Everyone! And See You Tomorrow!

Hey band!

Great job tonight for our first performance. By the time I had turned around, the audience was already on their feet. I think we really woke them up, and not just literally. To a lot of things, like the abilities of good players working good charts, because that's what this whole thing about. And a group that has a lot of fun.

Now, that being said, tomorrow's rehearsal is probably going to seem tedious, because we need to get comfortable with "The First Circle" (or as comfortable as one can get with that chart). Take a look at "But Beautiful" if you have time, because we'll probably warm up on that, but we're going to be doing a lot of Metheny tomorrow night.

I only heard compliments from everyone, and we ran out of programs, so I'll make sure to have copies on hand for people at rehearsal tomorrow night so band members can get them.

Thank you all for a good night, get some rest, and gear up for working on the monster chart.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Charts and Updates

The new charts handed out at Monday's practice are for some time in the future, with the exception of "But Beautiful."

"Begin the Beguine" and "Intersecting Lines" are for the summer, and it is recommended to start looking at those charts on your own time until work starts with them in mid-May. There are various recordings online of these charts, "Intersecting Lines" being available as a sample at www.marinamusic.com and through iTunes. Northwestern University had a solid performance of "Begin the Beguine" and it can be watched on YouTube at:


as well as at www.marinamusic.com.

"Rhythm of Our World" is probably for the fall, and it will take multiple listens to the music to get somewhat comfortable with the various grooves, so it would not be suggested to attempt to figure it out without listening to it - there's are samples of this song online as well.

Therre is an update on the pedestrian who was struck by the SUV outside the church on Monday night, and the news is reporting that he is in fair condition at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia (so he probably was flown down from Doylestown Hospital that night). Hopefully he will be okay.

Again, call time is 6:30 PM at the Church on Sunday and 6:50 PM for the french horns. Be ready to get set up and dress has already been covered. You know who to contact if you have any questions. Feel free to invite whomever you wish to the performance, but just let them know to be quiet when entering and to head to the Sanctuary, bypassing the other activities in the Parish Hall (the gym/auditorium to the left after you enter).

This week there are some other concerts in the area. Up at West Chester University on Friday, April 9th, there is the WCU Criterions Jazz concert starting at 7:30 which is free and open to the public (see www.wcupa.edu for more information) and the Delaware Valley College Jazz Band will be playing in the student union building on the DVC campus at 3 PM on Sunday, April 11th.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pleaes Use Caution...

I sent a message around via Facebook to all members of this band's group page, but I just wanted to reiterate here the information contained therein.

Last night, as we exited practice, there was a line of emergency personnel vehicles to our left on S. Main St. and my later suspicions were correct. Someone (though no information as to his/her identity has come out at the current time) crossing the street there, right outside St. Paul's by Dairy Queen was struck by a car. Again, I don't have any information on the person or the severity of their injuries, but please, please, use caution while crossing the street there and exercise common sense, especially at night, when entering or leaving the church. As someone who regularly crosses the street there and walks a mile and a half to work almost every day passing by that spot, I can tell you without hesitation that that is the worst spot in town traffic-wise and that I have told others for years now that if something were to happen, it would happen somewhere between the gas station at the intersection of Union and Main Sts. and the Farmhouse (the intersection by Wendy's). I do not feel that those traffic lights are coordinated (its terribly difficult to cross), and people are almost always speeding because of a.) coming from the center of town on Main St. down the hill from the Court House, b.) coming off Old Dublin Pike or 313 (611 becomes Main St.) and not reducing speed to 25mph from 40 mph and c.) general idiocy, especially considering there's a relatively new, large residential area right past Dairy Queen. And please keep in mind that when you exit St. Paul's, that front drive is a "Do Not Enter."

I'm not going to speculate, but if you want to follow this, just look around the local news websites. The article I found this morning was:


I hope the person struck is okay, but again, please be careful whether you're in the car or not. And if you run across the street before practice for any reason (including getting ice cream), look both ways before you cross and don't take any chances at that spot for the reasons listed above. I don't want to dwell on this, as some may find it upsetting, but the issue had to be addressed in full and as briefly as possible. Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Practice Recap and Performance Info

Hey everybody! Great job at practice last night. The cold run-through (though there were longer than normal pauses between charts last night) went (musically) verywell, and then I thought that we cleaned up some key spots, especially in In the Stone and Ride the Wind.

Making it all of the way through "The First Circle" was exhilarating the first time, and now that we know we can do it, we just need to: a.) learn to do the opening minus the bass drum, and b.) clean, clean, clean followed by c.) polish, polish, polish. We have April to finish this, because we intend to perform this monster chart on May 1st.

To reiterate it here, call time is at 6:30 at the church on Sunday and dress is conservative concert attire, meaning white, black or solid colors for tops and black for pants, etc. or all black attire (if women want to wear dresses). Know that a good third of the members of the band will be coming over from the DVC jazz band concert at 3 and will no doubt be in white/black apparel already. Just use your common sense.

Also, remember, and I can't stress this enough (and I know I have at this point), to not make any sound upstairs, especially when you're coming in and setting up. When you walk in the doors (by the time 6:15 rolls around), be aware that right to the left of the church entrance there is a performance going on. Quietly talk or whisper and head downstairs, and then stay quiet. If you are warming up downstairs, you must keep it at a piano/pianissimo level, play only when the door is closed, and only in groups of less than three. We know how bad that room echoes, and we know how the sound carries. I'm not trying to be strict here, but we need to be disciplined and give all the respect to the performers upstairs that we can.

Next week we will be focusing on cleaning "The First Circle," so we need to keep the focus up (I think I will be saying this for all time) and the non-musical chatter to a minimum. With the acoustics of our practice room, everything that is said is amplified and so, whenever directions are being given from whoever is giving them, the sound level needs to drop. We're usually very good about this, so I'm not really that concerned, but it's something we want to keep in mind.

I think we can all look forward to the performance on Sunday, but just bear in mind the above information, and look for a post later this week with links to the recordings of the new charts. Remember, the only one we will play through soon is "But Beautiful" as it is not an advanced chart, and that "Begin the Beguine," "Intersecting Lines," and "Rhythm of Our World" we will begin practicing in full after May 1st, giving you about a month to take some time on your own with them.

Thanks again for all of your hard work, ethusiasm, and dedication to the group. I think we all know of the value of our players, our mission, and the legacy of the music that we are working. See you all Sunday.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Upcoming Rehearsal: Monday, 5 April 2010

Hello everybody! Is everyone looking forward to Monday? You know, the journey this band has been on has been a great one, from our first rehearsal almost four months ago (can you believe it?) to a nearly full band now, looking at charts for the summer, and looking to the first performance, which is next Sunday, April 11th.

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication, and to ask them as humbly as I can to keep it up, for we will only get better and have more fun making great music together. Malaguena is really starting to peak and maybe back in the sections or in the recordings stuck in acoustically-odd rooms (is that a nice way of putting it?) you cannot hear so well just how well this piece does sound. What a closer!!! When we get outside, all that hard work in dealing with the acoustic difficulties and focus and concentration to be precise will pay off big time. In the Stone is strong and so are Samba Ti Kaye and Ride the Wind, and the parts only require some cleaning to be more than decent.

And we made it from meas. 35 to the end The First Circle without crashing. That's really quite something. The saxophones worked hard at a small sectional during practice, and I'm sure everyone could hear that. There are some seriously cool powerhouse players in that section.

Oh, and the trombones had their third sectional on Friday night. Again, it's the energy and dedication thing. I am so absolutely happy with this.

Anyway, I wanted to send this message out tonight as I will be out all day tomorrow, and I don't want to update the blog last minute on Monday. So in the meantime, check the blog for call-time for Sunday, but expect it to be at about 6:30 PM at St. Paul's on the 11th (french horns can come in at 6:45), and you can hope to be out by about 8:15. I will post a blog message just about that gig as the date rapidly gets closer.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate it in the band, and looking forward to Monday night. Moving right along... and coming soon... the Duck Deli...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Practice Tonight!

Hello everyone! There's practice tonight and there's exciting news: we have permission to do a sound check upstairs after the break in the place where we'll be playing the first performance. As far as I know at this moment (and that means at 8 AM this Monday morning), we are supposed to have a full saxophone section tonight, which means that the saxes will be working on "The First Circle" (the sax soli) while brass and percussion polish the hits in Samba, Stone and Circle. (Hmmm... maybe that should be the name of a piece.)

The horns are coming in again tonight and will not be here the following week, so this is really the week to lay down some polish on Malaguena. We will be doing that upstairs (if all goes well) while we perform the sound check. So let's keep the focus and energy up that we've happily had for the last few weeks and get psyched for the first performance which is now less than two weeks away!

Oh, and did I mention? The people of St. Paul's are starting to learn that there's a special band playing at the Intermission of the Talent Show. And they're getting curious... :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Practice Tonight: 22 March 2010

Hey everybody! It's exciting to get back to full practices this week and I can't wait to see (and hear) everybody. The horns will be coming in to work Malaguena with us at 8, and from 7-8 we will be polishing the other charts (especially trying to piece together the whole of "The First Circle."

So let's stay focused at practice tonight as there are only three more practices (including this one) before our very first performance.

Oh, and we've been invited to play another gig in a month and a half or so. We'll discuss it tonight. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Trombone Sectional: Recap

I would just like to state for the record how very pleased I am with how the trombone sectional went on Monday the 15th, the "Ides of March." Et tu, Brute? lol

Anyway, I lot of great was done with that section and I think we can all look forward to an awesome practice on Monday. We should have a few people sitting in who just want to listen as well as some for whom this will be their first time. Let's all be welcoming. We're going to continue work on "The First Circle" and horns will be coming in again for Malaguena in the second half of practice.

And remember, we play this music to challenge ourselves and bring better jazz back to our community, but at the same time we are playing to have fun. So let's continue with the fun and hard work at the same time, because those that work hard, play hard.

See you all next week!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Rehearsal Monday: Trombone Sectional

Hey everybody! I know at the end of practice last week we discussed the possibility of using the practice time this upcoming Monday for sectionals, and that is in fact what we will be doing with the trombones. The reasoning behind this is that a few of our members are on spring break and a good number expressed that they either could not or might not make practice this upcoming week. Also, regardless to the latter, we'd be out a drummer.

Anyone is welcome to sit in on the reduced practice, which again, is a trombone sectional, but to everyone else: enjoy the week off. Practice on the 22nd is a big one, in which we hope to have all horns present and at that point we will only be three practices away from our first performance.

See you all on Monday, March 22nd. :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Chart Ideas - Summer 2010

Alright, here are some of the charts that are under heavy consideration for the next set. Remember, a set has to have balance. There is solid reasoning as to why "In the Stone" is the opener for the current set and "Malaguena" is the closer. Why the ballad, "Ride the Wind," is the penultimate chart - ballads are typically placed there. We can mess with the set order a bit, but there should be an introductory, almost pop-like piece as an opener, and the "blow your face off" stuff should be kept in reserve for the finale. So, look at the titles below and comment on this post or on the Facebook Wall for the group as to more ideas if you want to add something, and we'll probably start ordering new charts very soon so we're not just handing out something in May to learn by July. But at any rate, here's what's being discussed as possibilities for the summer:

"Sing, Sing, Sing (Parts I and II)"
This would probably comprise in a metaphorical five-piece set the first two charts. I really can't stress enough about the tragedy that part II is never played in favor of just doing one part (part I) because it's more popular. Since when has music become a popularity contest? ::Ellen DeGeneres sticks her head in here to listen:: If we want to do "Sing, Sing, Sing," we must insist on both parts. And Part II has awesome written solo work for tenor and trumpet, not to mention clarinet and drum solos continuing. Not to mention the fact that both parts were conceived as one entire chart, and the only reason they were broken up is because the first records had to be flipped over to side B in order to get to the second part.

Link to recording: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtB6dijjWl8

"Malaga" by Bill Holman, as played by Stan Kenton Orch.

Link to recording: http://www.tuxjunction.net/jb32.htm (scroll down to bottom of the page to find the full 1972 recording of Malaga)

"Samba Siete" by Hank Levy

Link to recording: http://www.sierramusicstore.com/Samba_Siete_p/smp-645.htm
(click "listen to sample mp3")

"Abstrakte Bilde" by Fred Sturm

Link to recording: fan the Facebook page (look to the Facebook group for instructions)

"Intersecting Lines" by Les Hooper

Link to recording: http://www.marinamusic.com/detail.tpl?sku=A2519&show=res&cart=1268278477773818&keyword=intersecting%20lines&where=title&where1=comparr&where2=desc1&andor=wo&

"Prodigal Son Revisited" by Wayne Horvitz

Link to recording: http://www.marinamusic.com/detail.tpl?sku=W0003&show=res&cart=1268278477773818&keyword=prodigal%20son%20revisited&where=title&where1=comparr&where2=desc1&andor=wo&

"Follow Me" by Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays, arr. Bob Curnow

Link to recording: http://www.marinamusic.com/detail.tpl?sku=A0136&category=Metheny%2C%20Pat&type=Jazz%20Ensemble%20%28Big%20Band%29&nav=F&cart=1268278477773818&

"Satin Doll"

"Artemis and Apollo" by Johnny Richards, trans. Bob Curnow

"Georgia On My Mind" as sung by Ella Fitzgerald, and yes, if you don't already know it, we do have a pro. vocalist in the group...

"Send in the Clowns" by Sondheim as arr. for Stan Kenton Orch. by Maynard Ferguson

"Fly Me to the Moon" as played by Doc Severinson

"Funky Cha Cha" by Arturo Sandoval

"Ebony Concerto" by Igor Stravinsky

I'll be updating this post with links to recordings that can be found online. Please go through these carefully and really think about what you like

Practice Recap: 8 March 2010

Great job last night! I think we only have a few key issues remaining with some of the charts. I'll go through them one by one, and of course we didn't work "In the Stone" last night, but here's what-is-up with the rest of them.

"Ride the Wind" - keeping the motion during the solo section seems to be the most difficult part. Right now we're barreling through it to get through it and keep the piece moving, but there has to be a way, either structurally or otherwise to get that to push the tempo as much as the rest of the piece does.

"Samba Ti Kaye" - it's all intonation and accuracy from here on out. The dynamics were much improved last night as well as the articulations. And of course figuring precisely how we're going to do the ending.

"The First Circle" - tacking on the first six bars and running it to the end. Listen carefully to the recording. Clean individual parts. In the meantime, we have to devote practice to balancing the whole parts and working in the clapping section at the beginning, which we did a little bit of last night. The coordination of this piece is the ultimate key for surviving it.

"Malaguena" - This is really getting sharp. I am going to make a post about which measures specifically the mellophoniums have the melody, and then if you want to follow your parts to the audio recordings on facebook or the Stan Kenton video recordings from the 60's try to listen in on what they're doing. It's more difficult to make that part stand out as they are actual french horns and not mellophoniums so their bells are facing back towards the trumpets. We have to compensate for that and be conscientious. There's parts where they're unison with everyone (ex. swing section) but there are also parts (especially near the beginning) we're they're constantly trading eighth-note, arpeggiated runs and the piece would really rock if that comes out. Otherwise, great job on control and dynamics, and trumpets were much more on pitch for those fanfares that we worked last week. This is quite the closer.

I'll be posting about the ideas for the summer charts next including the ones that were discussed after practice last night by the nine of us or so who continued to chill. We'll be spending some of next week and time throughout this week seeing how much of the band prefers certain charts over others.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Upcoming Practice: Monday, 8 March 2010

Hey everybody! Looking forward to the next practice, especially since the trombones have had their first official sectional. Isn't that awesome? We'll be getting back to work on "The First Circle" and we will have French Horns there for the second half of practice to run "Malaguena."

Bad weather seems to have passed by the area this weekend, so we're really lucking out. Of all the music rehearsals that have been messed up or postponed by weather in the area, we have been the only group unimpeded by having Monday night practices. (Jeez, I hope I didn't just jinx that, lol). Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely March weekend, and see you all at practice in two days.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Make it Shine!

Great job at practice last night. We got a lot of work done of the kind which pays off in the long run. Fixing the little lines, the hits, the fanfares. In Malaguena trumpets have those huge perfect fifth fanfares. They're so easy to pull out of tune and to destroy by reckless timing or attacks. Last night was the best we all heard that part. Precision, precision, precision. If five trumpets (and it makes sense why there's an odd number of trumpets for that piece) can balance correctly, hit the notes with absolute precision and be in tune, there will be no better trumpet section playing anything in this area.

We have to push the tempo and stay on top of it. Samba Ti Kaye (last night) was the best we'd heard it from all the practices, and it was because of a decent amount of cleaning throughout, especially meas. 108, and because of the control of the tempo by pushing it. Now we just have to cut the volume and add back in the dynamics. The rest is there, though.

Ride the Wind is pushing the tempo, but it's also phrasing. There's a lot of room to experiment with this piece - it's a new one, it's the original version. I really like what we did dynamically in creating huge "phrase sweeps" (that's the only way I can describe it) that dominate; that's really the essence of the piece. The way the piece is structured - it's so lyrical. It's really a gem and probably will be played a lot in the coming years as it gets ordered and has more performances.

The First Circle we will be working on again next week since we did a lot of cleaning with the other charts next week. Listen to the recording(s) of First Circle. Apply the work done last night, the precision and control, while you practice The First Circle. If we can all do that, we will succeed in playing the whole thing through at the next practice. I do believe that.

Count Basie once said a great thing about this music, about polishing it and the feel and the phrasing. He said, "I, of course, wanted to play real jazz. When we played pop tunes, and naturally we had to, I wanted those pops to kick! Not loud and fast, understand, but smoothly and with a definite punch."

A definite punch. I like that.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Practice Tonight: 03/01/10

Hey everybody! There's practice tonight and the plan is to clean up the pieces. We'll be working on getting the polish and balance down of Ride the Wind, In the Stone and Samba Ti Kaye. We'll also be working specific sections of Malaguena and First Circle.

Great job last week and looking forward to continued focus in the coming weeks. Only about five practices before the first performance so let's really make them count.

Performance list:

Sunday, April 11th (~5PM call time): Talent Show Intermission
Sunday, May 2nd (mid-afternoon): Duck Deli Jazz Festival
Sunday, May 23rd: Southampton Jazz Festival

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Practice Recap

Awesome job last night, guys! Solid work and major headway through the charts. We've almost got all of "The First Circle" put together, and once we get that, it's going to be polish, polish, polish. Only thirty-five measures to go, right at the beginning. Malaguena will be ready by April and I love that there was more attention to articulations and dynamics there.

That's the thing now: major attention to articulation and dynamics. We need to start taking everything to the next level now that we've got our heads around the pieces. And that next level is the flow and the feel of the pieces. I would suggest listening to multiple recordings on the Internet and getting an idea of what's going on in the other parts that are not in your own. Of course, if you sense one is more important, bring your part down, etc.

And remember, the Samba should be "elevator friendly." "Samba Ti Kaye" and "Ride the Wind" are both warm downs from the first two charts and rest pieces before the "blow your face off" closer. They're strategically placed in the set to be that way. So, you guys know what to do and what needs to be worked on. Let's keep the energy up - only six weeks to the first performance.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Next Practice: Monday 02/22/10

At the next practice we will have the French Horns in attendance from 8-9, which means that the first hour will be devoted to charts other than Malaguena and the second hour will be Malaguena-heavy. And when we say "other than Malaguena" we mean, "The First Circle." Because it needs the most work. I hope people aren't becoming too frustrated with this piece. Remember, this is a grade 6+ chart, and 6 is the highest grade. If we can pull this off, we get a and A+ for the semester.

Of course, this isn't school. So this is just all metaphor. Etc.

See you guys tomorrow! ;)

TAMPICO!!!! a.k.a. "LOL"

So, Jon and I just can't get this piece out of our heads. Mostly, we wind up singing along to the first couple of lines and then adding "SALT PEANUTS!" after that. We think it might be neat to punk (a.l.a. Ashton Kutcher) some jazz band competitions with this piece by running up to the judges and bobbing up and down singing the following lyrics: (every time "Mexico" is said it is pron. "Me-hi-co")

"I, Tampico, Tampico,
on the Gulf of Mexico
Tampico, Tampico,
down in Mexico."


Anyway, you can listen to the recordings, and tons of Stan Kenton stuff for free at: http://www.tuxjunction.net/jb32.htm. Of special note is the full MALAGA at the bottom (1972 recording).

Monday, February 15, 2010

Practice Tonight!

The local weather reports have mostly stated that any snow that does fall before 10PM is negligible and will probably not accumulate. By tomorrow, the highest prediction of accumulation is two to four inches, mostly occurring late at night tonight and into the morning. So, hoping for the best, we will have practice tonight at the church. If you cannot make it based on any snow that may be falling prior to practice or if the roads in your area are bad and backed up, do not hesitate to call and leave a message or text about your attendance.

Should the weather reports be inaccurate (which is always a possibility) and should reports with more substantial inclement weather come in before 3-4 PM, messages will be sent out via phone and the facebook group.

See you all at the church tonight... :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Practice Monday!...?

Hey everyone! I know, the blog hasn't been updated in a while. But we pretty much know what the work is for the future, and it has a name: "The First Circle."

The most important update here is that tomorrow's practice, February 15th, has become officially "tentative." Check the blog tomorrow morning for an official decision. The reason for the "tentative-ness" is because of more expected snowfall in the area. It's one thing to have practice a couple of days after a snowstorm has stopped, but since the snow is expected somewhat before, during and after practice and accumulation reports are not negligible, we may cancel practice tomorrow. The other question is whether or not the church will be open if the snow starts early and is heavy by the time 7 o'clock rolls around.

So stay updated on information as it comes with the new storm. As many of you know, a good number of people in band drive fairly long distances to come to practice, and based on the last snowfall, those in the area know how terrible the roads were ploughed in Doylestown Borough. In inclement weather conditions, we have to preach safety first. In any event, should Monday rehearsal be cancelled, the next week we will still be continuing work on "The First Circle" and "Malaguena" and expect more french horns to be at that practice to coordinate the latter.

Stay safe in all of this crazy weather - I don't think we've seen a winter like this in this area (at least) for a number of years. And if you haven't seen it yet, do watch the original Stan Kenton "Malaguena" recording on youtube. That Stan, he was an interesting dude. :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Track List for Sample/Practice CD

Here is the promised track list for the CD's:

1. In the Stone by Earth, Wind & Fire, arr. Paul Murtha
2. The First Circle by Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays, arr. Bob Curnow
3. Samba Ti Kaye by Mark Taylor
4. Ride the Wind by Les Hooper
5. Malaguena by Ernesto Lecuona, arr. Bill Holman, trans. Bob Curnow
6. Work Song by Nat Adderley, arr. Geoff Keezer
7. It Might As Well Be Spring by Oscar Hammerstein II, arr. Mark Taylor
8. But Beautiful by Jimmy Van Heusen, arr. Frank Mantooth
9. Artemis and Apollo by Johnny Richards, arr. Bob Curnow
10. Prodigal Son Revisited by Wayne Horvitz
11. Follow Me by Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays, arr. Bob Curnow
12. Intersecting Lines by Les Hooper
13. Malaga by Bill Holman

Recap and Next Practice Info

Hey everybody. Good job on Monday night. We made some real headway on In the Stone and Ride the Wind. There was a good deal of chatting going on about where to place additional solos and such, and as pieces become more polished, these are the kind of issues that will arise in turn. It's nice to have the drum solo added into "In the Stone" and I think where we placed it is decent. Comment below if you think otherwise (or on the facebook wall), and that way we can continue the conversation outside of practice and save time in practice.

Next week the french horns are coming in to practice and so for half of the practice we will be extremely polishing (to a brilliant luster) Malaguena. The other portion of practice we will be working a lot on "The First Circle," as that's the piece that needs the most work of the whole set.

So again, great job, and see you next week.

P.S.: The track list for the CD will be on the next blog post, as well as a couple of links to pieces under consideration for the summer and beyond. Next year (2011) is the 100th birthday of both Stan Kenton and Johnny Richards (who did a lot of composing for Kenton). So, you might want to listen to the Cuban Fire Suite... youtube it... because some of us are thinking ahead that if all goes well... next year... it might be a birthday bash... ;)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Practice Tonight!

This is just a reminder that we have practice tonight, and you should refer to the previous blog posts and facebook messages (if you utilize facebook) for what we will be working on.

And on a side note, we will be handing out CD's like the one used at practice last week that contain samples of most of the pieces and one full recording of the monster piece. We hope that these will be useful as a practice tool and for some to listen to some things we are considering chart-wise for the future. :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Practice on Monday Night: 1 February 2010

Oh, practice on the first of the month. We will be continuing work on "The First Circle" but also polishing some more of Malaguena. Look to some work on "Ride the Wind," the Les Hooper piece, Samba Ti Kaye and In the Stone.

Just looking ahead to the future, we will be bringing in the french horns for Malaguena at the practice on Monday, February 8th. The monster is has had lift-off; now it's time for it to move along.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Practice Tonight!

Hey, just a friendly reminder that there is practice tonight. If anyone wants to listen to the charts prior to practice, there are mp3 recordings of the following at www.marinamusic.com:

"The First Cirlce" by Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays, arr. Bob Curnow
"Samba Ti Kaye" by Mark Taylor
"In the Stone" by Earth, Wind & Fire, arr. Paul Murtha
"Malaguena" by Ernesto Lecuona, arr. Bill Holman, trans. Bob Curnow
"Ride the Wind" by Les Hooper

Be ready for the monster chart. It's on the plate for tonight. ;)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Third Practice: Monday, 25th January 2010

Hey everybody! Here is the game plan for our third rehearsal on the upcoming Monday night. I know we have been doing a lot of sight-reading and checking out charts over the last two practices as we get used to our sound , etc., and that type of work is coming to a close. Now the fun work begins! Copies will immediately be handed out at the beginning of practice for all the pieces that you don't already yet have in your folders. The order of practice is:

Warm-up with "In the Stone"
work on the samba piece from last Monday
work on "First Circle"
work on "Work Song"
polish some more of Malaguena

Remember that we will be bringing the horn section in mid-February, so we want to be done some a good deal of polishing Malaguena prior to that. I know that the rehearsals have been some chop-busters, especially for the brass sections, but from now on we will not be using all of our charts at every one of the rehearsals. We will polish some of them and once they are in decent shape we will get the others up to decent shape and go from there. The goal of this group was to work a few pieces and get them accurate and polished and that remains the objective. It is nice, however, that we have the filler pieces that are easier to have a slightly larger folder.

See you all at practice on Monday evening, and good job last Monday night. :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Since we're gonna be working this piece this spring, I thought it would be educational to see this fantastic video recording of Stan Kenton himself introducing his own original playing the Bill Holman version we're doing. The link is:


Note the bass saxophone sitting to the left of the tenor sax. Enjoy.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Next Rehearsal: January 18th, 2010

Hello all! I just want to congratulate everyone who was in attendance at tonight's first rehearsal of Jazz 4 Nothin'. If you couldn't be there, we missed you, but we hope to see you next week. As i write this blog post, it is almost midnight, but I can't wait for tomorrow to post how happy I am with the practice.

Malaguena sounded pretty good even missing some players and on the first run. I can't imagine how awesome it will be to have the full band playing it a few practices down the line. The First Circle is the monster laying in wait, like George Kennan's democracy monster in the mud... sorry, diplomatic history reference there. As I said, it's midnight. In the Stone is fun to play, and it makes me heart Paul Murtha arrangements.

Awesome job to our Director, Chris Horn. Everyone has busy schedules and some are driving quite some distances to come to practice, but having a solid director guiding us through these pieces, especially the tough ones, is irreplacable. I'm sure others will have more positive things to say about Chris as the weeks go on, but right now, his dedication to music and to jazz artistry in particular just shines brightly.

A special thanks goes to St. Paul's Lutheran, who continues to support Jazz 4 Nothin' by letting us have a place to practice once a week. We hope to entertain the folks there at whatever venue works best and when there is a demand for some soulful music. Because it's a church, remember?

Next rehearsal is the same time next week, and we should be up some more players in certain sections. To the Del Val kids: stick with us and you're gonna have a good time while in Doylestown.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The First Circle... I Mean, PRACTICE!

Yeah, okay, so the subject heading for this post could be taken two ways. The first could be to inform you that the first practice will be held on Monday, January 11th from 7-9 PM at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Doylestown. The other way to take this is as a hint that players should be looking at "The First Circle" by Pat Metheny. Not learning it wrong - just looking at it, 'cause it's difficult. It's like those old "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. Do you remember those? Well, you can choose for yourself what this blog post's subject line is trying to tell you.

But, at any rate, it would be good to definitely state that the first practice will be held on Monday, January 11th from 7-9 PM in Room E at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Doylestown, PA. The address, for those of you who need to GPS it (or check a map, use a compass, etc.) is:

301 N. Main St.
Doylestown, PA 18901

If you know Doylestown, the church is relatively easy to find and you shouldn't need a GPS at all. It's the big church across from the Dairy Queen. See, wasn't that easy? There's ample free parking in the front and back lots. Only, you want to go in the front doors (the ones with the huge, beautiful awning) and proceed downstairs by taking the first staircase to the right. There should be someone there outside to guide you to the room. If not, don't go straight and to the left - in the small gymnasium are weekly AA meetings. Also, down the first main hallway to the left are council meetings, so we should try to keep it quiet when entering, if possible. Just walk in and take the first stairs down that are to your right.

So practice and see you at practice. Hasten the day! (Not really, because it gets dark way too early.)
