Jazz 4 Nothin' Schedule!

Join us for a Fundraiser at the Forlano's Restaurant from 5pm to 9pm on Tuesday, June 24th!!!!


Check out our Facebook Page!! Jazz 4 Nothin' Fan Page
Check out our new group: Choir 4 Nothin' at choir4nothin.blogspot.com

Friday, April 30, 2010

Duck Deli Performance Tomorrow!

Hello everyone. Just some words on what's going on tomorrow:

Call time for all band members who do not play in the Doylestown Heat and/or are not French Horns is 3 PM in back of the parking lot across from the Duck Deli (where many will be parking for the event). That parking lot belongs to an old framing factory, and you should see other cars parked there. We will be quietly warming up, tuning and focusing on "First Circle" (getting our heads in the zone). French horns have a call time of 3:30 and that's the time that we'll make our way across the street (202) to examine the set up, as the Heat will be done at 3:45.

Help the Heat as much as you can in clearing the performance area. I'm not saying that Bill Kuder has a tendency to talk a lot between pieces and go overtime and it may cut into our set up time... but that kind of is what I am saying and let's "help" them get off the performance area as quickly as possible. Chris has informed me that the Duck Deli has about 30 music stands, so we don't need to bring our own (but I'm leaving one in the car anyway), and the rhythm section is taking care of their own equipment, so decisions regarding that is up to Pete and Bill R.

Make sure your system for dealing with page turns and playing outside is in place. The best thing is probably a binder with glare-free sheet protectors, but I know some will want to use plexi-glass or clothespins.

If you're going to eat at the Duck Deli, know that food per person costs no more than $10 (I think it's usually around $6), and that Jazz West plays after us, so you have time to sit back and relax and enjoy the BBQ if you wish afterwards, or you can arrive early (the event starts Saturday at 11 AM) and listen to music to your heart's delight.

Dress is the same as it was at the church - solid colors and black, but be aware that since we're outside and taking into consideration the temperature forecast, just make sure you're comfortable as well. Full suit jackets, etc., are not necessary for this gig if you wore them last time (though you looked snazzy). :) You might want to wear sunscreen, but we should be under a tent while we play. Furthermore if you have guests coming, with the number of people invited, I would recommend having them bring beach chairs or blankets to sit on the grass.

Band members can contact me directly with any individual concerns, but that should be about it. The address of the Duck Deli is

524 East Butler Ave.
New Britain, PA 18901

if you need it. Weather is supposed to be awesome tomorrow, and I'm sure we'll have a great time playing our charts. And finally, the lineup of pieces is, again:

"In the Stone"
"The First Circle"
"Samba Ti Kaye"
"Ride the Wind"

Let's have a great time!

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