Jazz 4 Nothin' Schedule!

Join us for a Fundraiser at the Forlano's Restaurant from 5pm to 9pm on Tuesday, June 24th!!!!


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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Performance Details: First Friday: 2 July 2010

Alright everyone, here's the informational post with event details for First Friday in Doylestown. Please make sure you read this post carefully, and if anyone has any questions, you know how to reach the band leaders.

1. As stated at rehearsals, First Fridays, especially in the summer, are extremely busy. Not only is there live music in (now) up to three different venues, but businesses do special deals/promotions, etc. in anticipation of the public turnout, and small business (some home-run) put up tables in the central square to sell small arts and crafts. Due to the popularity of the event, it is known that in past years the idea has circulated about blocking off the streets. That being said, the streets were not blocked off in June, and don't expect them to be blocked off on Friday the 2nd.

This information means that if you are driving into Doylestown right before call time at 7:30 (and yes, call time remains 7:30), do not expect to find parking in the immediate vicinity of the performance area; if you do, you're just "lucking out." Furthermore, if you arrive in town at 7, when the events are underway, expect many pedestrians at all crosswalks and many more crossing the street wherever they may feel the need. This will also block up traffic, but for precaution's sake, take extra care driving around the center of town.

If you are parking a few blocks away (I'd recommend Harvey Ave., Oakland Ave., or if you're running late, the parking garage by the Court House. It's more of a hike, but it's a guaranteed spot.) There is a parking lot behind Starbucks - it's closed off when the events start. There is parking lot behind the Doylestown Bookshop/Madame Butterfly's - it's now a performance area and also closed off. Also, when walking around town, please be aware of when you are crossing the streets, as aggravated driver's trying to get through town in the maze of First Friday activities, may be extra aggressive. I know this, as I was almost run down last month at First Friday when crossing on the correct signal and in the crosswalk. Again, exercise caution. It's a lot of people in a smaller area.

2. When you arrive, you may store any personal belongings and instrument cases in Class Harlan Real Estate, directly adjacent to the performance area. Class Harlan is graciously allowing us to do this due to connections with the band (Lewis Graham, the trombone player, works there). This is a special advantage we have over all the other performing groups. Class Harlan will be closed, and during the performance, all cases and belonging will be locked up and secure in that building. As soon as they allow, which I believe will be around 6:30 or 7 PM, we will be able to store the instruments and/or warm up and tune.

3. The music organizer for First Friday, Thomas Phillips, has informed us that there is a pa system in place as well as two microphones. Additionally, should there be light rain, there will be a tent set up over the performance area. However, it is not currently expected to rain on Friday, and the forecast is calling for temperatures around 80 degrees.

4. Make sure you stay hydrated. All will be done to provide water bottles during the performance, but make sure you are comfortable before arriving. Dress is the same as usual, but with even more emphasis on comfort. Look at the temperature forecast on Friday and use your best judgment. And if you absolutely don't want to wear black, khakis will be fine.

5. Town will be well lighted - it doesn't get dark until pretty and there's a lot of ambience from the street lights and nearby buildings. However, it can't hurt to have a battery-operated book light on your stand if you want to precaution against getting a shadow on your stand, or what not. These can be easily found at bookstores for cheap, so do what you will.

6. The church is graciously allowing us to use their stands for the performance, so we have twelve there, but if you know that you have had to use your own stand at practices, bring it along. I will have three collapsible stands just in case at the performance. Again, if it's not a pain to bring it, the best advice is just to bring the stand anyway.

7. The rough performance order for pieces (and I know this is what everyone's been waiting for) is the following:

In the Stone
The Incredibles
Ride the Wind
Begin the Beguine
But Beautiful
Samba Ti Kaye
Intersecting Lines
Georgia On My Mind

Georgia On My Mind will be handed out prior to the performance, and I believe we can handle this piece even though we have only played through it about two to three times. But Beautiful is another pretty filler chart that works as a rest point from Begin the Beguine. In the event we need to repeat anything, it will likely be In the Stone. However, I believe these nine charts listed in the order above will easily fill an hour's worth of playing, taking into account the small periods of time between pieces and ones with extended solo sections. Remember that there will now be three solos in Ride the Wind, and two in Intersecting Lines, not to mention the drum solo in that one.

I look foward to seeing everyone on Friday, again, feel free to contact band leaders for additional information you may want, and I believe that this will be a fantastic performance which the audience will love.

Note: The rhythm section has special instructions for setup as equipment is much larger, etc. All who can get into town early to help set up are appreciated. And if there's any downtime, there's always Starbucks ;)

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